Filter options on the RouteYou website

To easily find the route you want on the RouteYou website, you can use various filter options conveniently gathered in one filter pop-up. By selecting the desired filters, the system helps you find the right route. Once you've activated all the filters you want, you can view the results with the 'Show routes' button at the bottom.

When you activate a filter, the results automatically adjust without needing to click a 'Confirm' button. Active filters appear at the top of the pop-up, where you can easily clear them. If you close the pop-up, you can reopen it via the Filters button at the top, where a red dot indicates how many filters are active.

Route type

The first choice you make is how you want to travel the route: on foot, by bike, motorized, on horseback, by boat, or one of the other options. When you click an icon, a dropdown list appears, allowing you to further refine your selection within that category. For example, under biking, you can choose from recreational bike routes, road bike routes, mountain bike routes, and more.

  More information on routetypes.






It's important to know that the map in the route finder also acts as a filter. Routes that meet the filter selection but fall outside the visible map area won't show up in the search results.

Under 'Where,' you have several options to visualize the appropriate search area on the map:

  • You can enter a location using the search bar.
    • You can select 'My Position' to find routes in your immediate vicinity.
        To zoom to your position, you need to allow RouteYou access to your location data.
    • You can enter a search term. We try to match it with the correct location through suggestions. After selection, the map zooms in on the chosen location.
  • Another option is to use the small map to determine the search area. The bright rectangle with a green border indicates the active search area. The buttons on the right allow you to zoom in and out or use a selection box to visualize the desired area. You can also move the background map to bring another area within the active search area.


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You can use the length slider to select routes of specific distances or within a range of distances.

  The length filter always works with a minimum and maximum distance. Adjust these by moving the dot at the beginning or end of the slider to the desired distance.


If you want a distance longer than the maximum distance on the length slider, slide both dots all the way to the right.





Name of the route

Here you can search for routes based on one or more keywords from the title or description. Type a keyword in the search bar and press enter.

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By default, all authors, meaning 'everyone,' are considered. However, you can filter by a specific author: yourself or someone else. You can quickly search for 'my routes' via the search field, and when you start typing, the system automatically generates a list that matches your search term.







Here you can specify a minimum score. In the search results, you will only find routes with the specified score or higher.



A lower score doesn't necessarily mean the route is bad.
 Read more about the route score and how it's determined.


Characteristics and themes

Under characteristics, you can filter by specific route properties such as car-free, unpaved, child-friendly, and more. Through themes, you can select routes linked to a particular topic, such as architecture, heritage, beer, water, and more

In both cases, you first see the five most popular items that are usually filtered, but you can expand the lists further via the 'Show more' button. The possibilities are numerous.

 More information about characteristics and themes.


When selecting multiple characteristics and themes, the system applies an 'and' logic, meaning the results will meet all the selected conditions.





Groups are collections of routes, points of interest, and/or users.

 More information about groups.


  When you start typing in the search field, the system automatically generates a list that matches your search term.
  You can clear or replace the selected group with another group at any time.





With this filter, you can choose to show only routes in a specific language.




Difficulty level

Each route is assigned a difficulty level based on three variables: total ascent, maximum ascent, and length.

  Read more about the difficulty level of a route on RouteYou.




Saved routes

Here you can choose to show only routes you have saved in the search results.

 Other ways to quickly find your 'Saved Routes'.

 Discover how to save a route you like.


Routes with activity

You can choose to show only routes where activity has been recorded.

  More information about activities.



This filter is only visible if you are logged in because you only have access to non-visible routes of which you are the author. With this filter, you can choose to show only public or only private routes.

  More information about making routes public or private.





When you activate the clusters, gray squares appear on the map. A cluster groups routes that meet certain search criteria. Only the best routes per cluster are displayed to keep the overview and the performance of the map optimal. A cluster also indicates how many routes it contains. If you click on a cluster, you zoom in, and new clusters appear, allowing you to go into more detail.



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