“Saved routes” are other people's routes that you have saved. There are several ways to find your favorite, saved routes quickly.
- In the RouteYou app, go to the homepage by tapping the "Home" button at the bottom.
- Scroll down until you see
"Saved routes".
Here you will see a scrolling carousel with the routes you have saved. The "Show all" button takes you to the Discover option with the filter "Show only saved routes" enabled.
The map display also filters results. This means that search results will only show routes that pass completely or partially through your current map view. If a particular route is not shown, zoom out more or zoom in on that specific location.
- In the RouteYou app, go to the Discover option by tapping "Explore" at the bottom.
- Use the button at the top right
to view the additional filter options.
- Enable the option "Show only saved routes"
The list and map of search results now only includes routes you have saved.
The map display also filters results. This means that search results will only show routes that pass completely or partially through your current map view. If a particular route is not shown, zoom out more or zoom in on that specific location.
- In the RouteYou App, go to your profile page by tapping on "Profile" at the bottom.
- Select
"Saved Routes"
- You will be taken to a page listing 20 routes you have saved.
Clicking on any route map will take you to the route details page.
The "Start route" button at the bottom of the route details page allows you to start navigating immediately .
The list of 20 routes is sorted by route score, from highest to lowest.
- Use the main menu on the
top left or your avatar on the
top right to go to your personal settings.
- Select "Saved routes"
- This takes you to the route finder with the "Saved routes" filter enabled.
The list and map of search results now only includes routes you have saved under favorites.
The map display also filters results. This means that search results will only show routes that pass completely or partially through your current map view. If a particular route is not shown, zoom out more or zoom in on that specific location.
- Click on
"Search for a route" at the top of the homepage
- Select
"Saved routes" from the left-hand menu
- This takes you to the route finder with the "Saved routes" filter enabled.
The list and map of search results now only includes routes you have saved under favorites.
The map display also filters results. This means that search results will only show routes that pass completely or partially through your current map view. If a particular route is not shown, zoom out more or zoom in on that specific location.
- Go to "Search for a route" via the main menu
at the top left or the shortcut
at the top of the homepage.
- This takes you to the route finder.
- In the
filter popup, enable "Saved routes" by moving the slider to the right. A red dot will be displayed next to “My favorites” showing that this filter is enabled.
The list and map of search results now only includes routes you have saved under favorites.
The map display also filters results. This means that search results will only show routes that pass completely or partially through your current map view. If a particular route is not shown, zoom out more or zoom in on that specific location.