Searching and finding routes on the website

Looking for a route for your next adventure? On the RouteYou website, you can easily search for and find routes that meet your needs. This page explains how to use the various filters, sorting, and map options to quickly get the right results.

The Filter pop-up

When you access the Route Finder, a pop-up with all available filter options will appear immediately.

IIf you open the Route Finder via a link with pre-set filters, the search results will be displayed directly without the filter pop-up appearing. This occurs, for example, when using shortcuts from the 'Search a Route' dropdown menu.

Active filters

As soon as you activate a filter, the search results (list + map) are updated automatically. There is no need to click a 'Confirm' button. Active filters are displayed in a clear list at the top of the pop-up, where you can also remove specific filters or clear all filters at once.

If you close the pop-up by clicking outside it or pressing the 'Show Routes' button, you can reopen it anytime via the 'Filters' button at the top of the list on the left. A red dot on the button indicates active filters, and the number inside the dot represents how many filters are currently applied.


Filter options

  To the overview of all filter options on the website.

At the bottom of the filter pop-up, a button indicates how many routes match your filter criteria. Click this button to display the routes. Clicking outside the pop-up will also show the results immediately.

The search results

Search results are displayed in a list on the left and on a map to the right.

Your initial search results remain visible even if you view a specific route, move the map, or zoom in/out. New search results are only generated when you click the 'Search in this Area' button.

The list

At the top of the search results list, you can see the number of routes found within the selected map area. This section also includes a filter button to reopen the filter pop-up and adjust filter options.

Above the list, a dropdown menu offers various sorting options. Choose the option that best fits your needs.

Each route in the list is summarized with a route info card displaying key details such as type, title, image, author, rating, length, elevation gain, and difficulty level.

   When you hover over a route info card, the map zooms in on the route location, highlights the route, and displays an info card on the map. Clicking on either info card will open the route details page.

   To clear the selection, click the dancing route icon or the 'X' at the top-right of the route info card on the map..

The map

The map typically displays a selection of about twenty routes within the visible area.

   Showing all routes at once would reduce clarity and impact performance.
   The best matches based on your filters and sorting options are prioritized.
   The top five route matches are highlighted with colored route lines.
   Routes outside the visible area are not included in the search results. The map itself functions as an additional filter.

   Hovering over a non-colored route icon will display the route line.
   Clicking on a route icon zooms the map to that route, highlights it, and displays an info card. Clicking the info card will open the route details page. To clear the selection, click the dancing route icon or the 'X' at the top-right of the info card.

You can also highlight routes from the list by hovering over a route info card. This zooms the map to the route location, highlights the route, and displays an info card.

  More information about map functionalities.

On smaller screens, such as tablets or smartphones, the list and map cannot be displayed side by side. Instead, a 'Show Map' button Btn_Toon-kaart_EN.pngappears in the list view. Clicking it activates the map view, where a 'Show List' button Btn_Toon-lijst_EN.png allows you to return to the list.

Additionally, at the top-right of the map functionalities, an extra filter icon btn_filter.png lets you activate the filter pop-up directly from the map view without returning to the list first. All other functionalities remain the same.


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