Change the starting point of a route

  You can only do this via the website.

You need a  My RouteYou Plus or higher to use this functionality.

  1. Go to the route (this can be your own route or a route from another author on RouteYou)
     What adjustments can you still make to a route from another author?
  2. Click 'Edit'(pencil)
  3. Click 'Change the starting point'
  4. Select a new starting point on the map or enter an address and tap 'mark on the map'.
  5. Click on 'Change starting point'.
  6. The result will be saved as a new (derived) route under your account.The original route will be preserved.


Respect the work of others. If you get inspired for a big part by one route or several routes of an author, it is recommended and polite to refer to that author and route in your description.
  Read more about copyright on this page.

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