Manage my profile

Your profile page on the website is where you can access your profile details and set and update these to suit your preferences.

Open your profile page

Once you have logged in, you can access your profile page on the website by

  • selecting 'My Profile' from your personal dropdown menu

      you can open your personal dropdown menu by clicking on your avatar and username. This can be found at the top of the main menu on the left hoofdmenu_grijs.png or on the home page at the top right.

  • by going to 'translation.png Profile' from the Edit button edit_drop_bis.pngon your MyRouteYou home screen.

  Learn here how to access your profile details through the app.

Your profile details

Public data

Your public information mainly dictates what is displayed on MyRouteYou – your personal RouteYou home screen. 

  Learn more about managing your public information here. 
  Learn more about your personal RouteYou home screen here. 


Personal data

This information cannot be viewed by third parties. 

  First, indicate how you use your RouteYou account: as a private individual, or as part of a professional body such as a club, catering business, tourist organisation, sports and leisure organisation, etc.

  This affects how your RouteYou home screen is displayed, among other things. Learn more about that here.

  You can also include standard information here such as:

  • email address
  • last name, first name
  • gender
  • date of birth
  • address
  • ...

You can set a new password here. 


Set your preferences in terms of language and metric/imperial units here.

It is important to choose the correct language preference. This determines what language we will use when communicating with you, and also what information you will receive.

  For instance, if you are a Dutch speaker but choose English as your preferred language here, you will only receive invitations to English-language webinars and not to the ones in Dutch.

Communication preferences

Here you can set what type of information you wish to received, and how.

  • The RouteYou newsletter is a round-up of the most important posts from the past week or month.
  • Through tips & tricks we can introduce you to the features on RouteYou. This means you can learn to use our platform more efficiently, getting even more out of touring.
  • We can notify you when:
    • other users have replied to one of your posts.
    • someone shares their location with you.
    • someone bookmarks one of your posts or likes it.
  • Based on your interests and activities, we can send you weekly suggestions for specific routes and places of interest.
  • RouteYou may request or give you feedback about your routes.
Links to external platforms

You can link your RouteYou account with your other accounts on external platforms such as

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