Map layers and map details

RouteYou gives you the option to select different map layers at any time when viewing a map. You can set your choice by clicking the map layer icon knop_kaartlagen.png at the top right of the map.


Map layers & details_EN.png


There are several options to choose from when displaying the map:

  • Map layers: select here which map you want to use as a background map.
       Only one option can be enabled here. You have to select one. 

  • Map details: Choose here which additional map layers you wish to enable on top of the chosen background map. This involves adding additional information such as particular networks (e.g. node routes, GR trails, etc.), underground services, heat maps, etc. 
       You also have the option here to enable no or multiple map layers.
       Note: You cannot combine every map detail with every map layer. Some combinations are not possible. For example, Google Maps cannot be combined with a node network.


Map layers and map details are area and activity specific. 

This means not all map layers or map details are always shown. The display is determined by the availability in that area and the suitability in terms of a specific activity.
For example:

  • If you select 'recreational cycling route' as the activity type, we will not show you the 'OpenWalkmap'.
  • If you select 'walking route' as the activity type, we will not show you the 'OpenCyclemap' or 'cycling nodes'.
  • If you search for routes in Switzerland, we will not show you the 'topographic map of Belgium'.
  • ...


Map layers

Available to all

  • The RouteYou map was developed with a focus on planning and navigating recreational routes. The available map information is tailored to this so you are not distracted by irrelevant information. The map is based on the OpenStreetMap but looks different.
      RouteYou map key

  • OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a map of the world, created by the community and free to use under an open licence. The level of detail in that view can vary from place to place.
      OSM key

Only availabe with RouteYou Plus

  • padlock.png Topographic maps of Belgium, the Netherlands, France, Greater Luxembourg, Great Britain, Norway, Spain, Switzerland and the Czech Republic: topographic maps are intended for general use and describe the Earth's surface as accurately as possible.
      Topographic map of Belgium key

  • padlock.png OpenCycleMap is an offshoot of OSM with a focus on information relevant to cyclists, such as major cycle networks and long-distance cycle routes.
      OpenCycleMap key

  • padlock.png OpenWalkMap is also an offshoot of OSM but with a focus on information relevant to walkers.
      OpenWalkMap key

  • padlock.png Google Maps and Google Satellite.
       These options are only available on the website.
       Both the Google map and satellite images also allow you to activate Google StreetView pegman.png. This is a virtual representation of the environment, made up of panoramic images. This makes it look like you can take a look around on site.

  • padlock.png None: this option allows you to see just the route and no background map.
       This option is only available on the website.
       Find out below under “Frequently Asked Questions” what the possible applications are for this option. 
Map details

Available to all

  • Hiking nodes: where applicable, the hiking networks and relevant node numbers will be displayed.
      Hiking nodes key

  • GR network: this is an international network of long-distance hiking trails signposted with red and white stripes. 

  • Cycling nodes: where applicable, the cycling networks and relevant node numbers will be displayed. 
      Cycling nodes key

  • The Mountain Bike Network is based on Sport Vlaanderen's quality-rated routes. 

  • Horse-riding nodes: where applicable, the bridle path networks and relevant node numbers will be displayed. 

  • Route topography: this map layer is based on our hard surface classification and is only available from a certain zoom level. We distinguish between good unpaved surfaces in yellow and poor unpaved surfaces in red. Good unpaved surfaces can still be used even after a week of rain, but this is not the case with poor unpaved surfaces. The latter can be particularly attractive to mountain bikers or horse riders. In this layer you will also see an indication of slope.
      Surface quality key

Only availabe with RouteYou Plus

  • padlock.png RouteYou Heat maps: these map layers help you discover the most popular sections of our available roads network, or of your own routes. This can be different depending on route type. 
       More information

  • padlock.png Terrain: this map layer is only available on Google Maps and provides an indication of differences in elevation.
  • padlock.png Labels: with Google Satellite images you can choose to display the road network and associated names.
  • padlock.png 45°: if you are at the correct zoom level on Google satellite images, you can switch from a bird's eye view to a 45° angle which gives a 3D effect.

  • padlock.png Routes: this map layer gives you access to the Route Finder option within the planner. This way you can display your own or other people's routes and use them as a reference when planning a new route.
       This option is only available on the website.
       More info

  • padlock.png Places of interest: this map layer gives you access to the complete RouteYou database and you can filter according to your own preference. Click on the filter icon and the filter options will be displayed in the right-hand bar.
       This option is only available on the website.

  • padlock.png Who's active? This map layer shows you who is currently live-sharing their position.
       This option is only available on the website.


  Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of the map layer “none”?

Maybe it seems quite useless to have a map layer option "none". But quite a few of our users referred to it, for sometimes quite creative solutions.


Some examples:

  • Combine a route with photos or other backgrounds
    If you take a screenshot with a route and the map layer option “none,” you can easily combine it with a photo by placing the solid background transparent as in the example below.


  • Navigation using only the route
    A lot of users like to visualize only the route while navigating in order to keep better focus.

  • To clearly see the overlay map layers
    RouteYou has numerous additional map details you can activate. Such as: nodes, mountain bike networks, GR networks, road features. If a "busy" base map is used you don't see those map details as clearly. Selecting "none" as the base map solves that.
Where can I find the key for the map layers?

On the website you can find the map layers button at the top right of every map view. Most map layers have a question mark symbol questionmark.png on the right. Click this to see the key or additional information about the map.

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