Last viewed routes

“Last viewed routes” are the routes you viewed most recently via the website or on the app. This is linked to your account, so is synchronised regardless of which device or system you use RouteYou on.

App Website
Via the homepage
  1. In the RouteYou app, go to the homepage by tapping the "Home" button at the bottom. 
  2. Scroll down until you see app_laatst bekeken.png "Last viewed routes".
      Here you will see a scrolling carousel with the routes you have viewed recently. The “View all” button takes you to a list of the 20 most recently viewed routes.

      Clicking on any route map will take you to the route details page
       The "Start route" button at the bottom of the route details page allows you to start navigating immediately .

Via your profile page
  1. In the RouteYou App, go to your profile page by tapping on "Profile" at the bottom.


  2. From here, select app_laatst bekeken.png "Last viewed routes"
      This lists the 20 routes most recently viewed.

       Clicking on any route map will take you to the route details page
       The "Start route" button at the bottom of the route details page allows you to start navigating immediately .


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